Boredom and Baking

Being under the whether, I’ve been getting quite bored lately, and it just so turns out that one of my best friends is in the same position. So today he came over and we made muffins! Overcooked muffins, but muffins non-the-less c:

I can say with very little doubt that his icing is some of the best home made icing I’ve ever tasted, and we even joked about him giving me some for my birthday 😛 I really wouldn’t mind that…

It’s kind of funny how often things go wrong when we bake together cos on our own we’re both actually rather good. Oh well, we may end up making waffles at some point so I can only hope they don’t turn out how they did last time.

Pain Pain Go Away

Last night before I went to bed I developed an annoying headache. This morning when I woke up, I couldn’t sit up without feeling my head pound, getting extremely dizzy, and falling back into my bed. Unfortunately this means I have the day off school…

I may not enjoy school, but I do have things I need to do, and I’m missing out on them big time. Just a few of these things are; my music project can’t be looked over by my teacher but that’s not too much of an issue, my media studies project is suffering because I don’t have the resources I need to continue with it, my stats class will probably learn something so I’ll be behind (I’m in a high maths class so we move fast and I generally struggle with maths), and I’m missing out on band practice for my group performances which is bad because we couldn’t practice on Tuesday either.

Hopefully I can catch up with all of these things, because I really don’t want to fall even further behind.

That Bombed

First day back at school.

First and second classes were fine, though I was extremely uncomfortable due to a sore back and feeling ill. So at interval I went to guidance and asked about seeing a psychologist (“it’s a process, it’ll take a while”) then, deciding I’d had enough of feeling crappy, I went to the nurse. I then proceeded to spend the next two classes and most of lunch in the sickbay until my mum picked me up.

It’s a shame, I was wanting to go to my classes, I missed drama, statistics, and music. Only got to go to English and recreation (PE). Oh well, at least today was just intros to the classes.


I’m getting bored sitting in the lounge on my computer, I would go out but it’s raining and all of my two friends that I would actually be able to hang out with can’t. One’s working, the other is sick so I’m not gonna drag him into town. Oh well, hopefully the bad weather doesn’t stay too long…